Requested - How I Clean My Makeup Brushes

5:39 pm

My friend recently asked me how I wash my makeup brushes so I thought instead of trying to explain it through messaging, I would make a post for her including step by step pictures and a video to help her and any other ladies who have been wondering how to clean their brushes! First we'll start with what you'll need!

Things You Need

1. Washing up liquid

2. Vegetable oil

3. Water

4. Bowl

Making The Mixture

First you're going to put whichever washing up liquid you've chosen into a bowl. There's not a specific amount that you should or shouldn't put in, it's just your personal preference. Either way, this is what will make your brushes squeaky clean!

Once you've decided how much washing up liquid you'll like in your bowl, you then add in a tad of vegetable oil. The vegetable oil is what makes your brushes super soft and the one I used has 'Lemon & Dill' in so it makes them smell sooo nice!

After you've finished the washing up liquid and the vegetable oil you're then going to add in just a tiny splash of water. This is just what brings it all together and makes it easier to clean the brushes.

Cleaning The Brushes

Now onto the fun part, the actual cleaning of the brushes! The picture to the left is one of my brushes before it was cleaned so you can see the makeup that is on the bristles. I know, it looks super dirty! But not to worry because we're going to sort it!

So as you can see by the video it's super simple! You just pop your damp brush in the mixture and using a swirling motion on the palm of your hand, clean the makeup from your brushes! What I like about this is you can actually see the makeup coming out of your brushes and know from the 'froth' that they're getting thoroughly cleaned!

This is my makeup brush after I used the mixture to clean it and as you can see, all the leftover makeup has been removed! After this I went ahead and done the rest of my brushes that needed cleaning.

Leave Them To Dry

Once you've finished cleaning your brushes, do the same swirling motion you did on your hand onto a towel to get the excess water out. After this, smooth out the bristles and leave them to dry on a flat surface with the ends hanging off. This helps them dry back into their original shape.

And there you have it! I hope this helped you ladies who didn't know a way of washing your makeup brushes! The items I use make them clean, super soft, smelling lush and you can get the items used from any shop! I'm glad this was requested as my brushes needed a good scrub! If you have any questions about this post or any requests please feel free to comment or message me through my Facebook page which can be found in my side bar!

Happy brush cleaning!...

- Katrina x

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